Thursday, September 27, 2012

Don't Waste your Click

Nowadays, earning online is very easy. Through, anyone can earn by just shrinking URLs and sharing  it to others. You can earn more than $2 for every 1000 clicks generated. If you do not know what is, you can visit my previous post "Get Paid to Post Links" and learn how works.

Today, I want to teach you a basic step to validate all visitors. I assume that many people are doing this but for the sake of newbies out there, I hope you will enjoy my simple tutorial.

Whenever someone clicks on your shortened URL ( link), basically, they will be redirected to a different website first before they will see the real destination page. That "other website" is an advertisement where earns their revenue. For the clicker or visitor to be redirected to the right destination page, he/she should wait for the 5-second countdown and click on "Skip Ad" first. This is a real hassle for every visitor, in which for most cases, they may click the "Back" button of their browser making their click to be invalid. Invalid click means no earning.

A basic step to prevent visitors/clickers to hit the "back" button is to change the advertisement format from Interstitial Advert to Framed Banner. (Just click the picture to enlarge.)

If an advertisement is in Framed Banner format, the visitor will not be redirected to a different page first but instead, he/she will be redirected to the correct destination page with a "Framed Banner" advertisement at the top of the page. This will prevent them from hitting the "back" button since they will see the correct page they want to visit immediately.

For a live demo, here is a shortened URL of following the above instructions, You can compare this live demo from my example on my previous post to see the difference.

Please keep in mind that if you are using the "Framed-banner" format, you will have a lower click-rate. This means that it will take more than 1000 clicks to earn $3-5. Also, keep in mind that the 1000-click is only an average and doesn't mean that you will need an exact thousand clicks to earn. Check the publisher's rate by clicking here to learn more.

Don't have an account yet? Sign up to now and start earning by shrinking URLs.

We will be creating a page for' features, review, strategies and guide, too. Please stay-tuned. 

I hope you enjoyed our simple tutorial. I admit that this is not a special guide but I really appreciate if you learned from it. Also, sorry for my grammars. LoL.

This is your Click Brother, Signing off.
Please Share it! :)

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