Wednesday, October 31, 2012

First Investment in Neobux

As we mentioned before, we are planning to take a new step forward. We will be investing in NeoBux as an experiment and to see some results.

We invested $20 ($10 is from our ClixSense withdrawal and $10 from our own pocket)

So what did we do to our investment? Simple. We extended 240 more days to each of our 20 rented referrals. This is to make use of the 32% maximum discount that is available in NeoBux. After doing so, we disabled our Auto-Pay. This is just an experiment but we are hoping that we will see good results.

So our status:
Investment: $20
Withdrawal: $0
Rented Referrals: 20
Direct Referrals: 4

Below is a screenshot of our 20 RRs extended by 240 more days:

Extending 240 days to our Rented Referrals
Extending 240 days to our Rented Referrals

Stay tuned to our progress.

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